Nerve and Muscle

The most important topics here are:

Peripheral neuropathy: Glove and stocking distribution of sensory deficit. Typically seen in diabetics. Distal parts of the limbs are affected first and then progresses proximally.
Mono-neuropathy: Seen as conditions like facial palsy or foot drop, it can be a sign of Sarcoidosis or connective tissue disorders (PAN, Wegener's, SLE) or a tumor or disc disease.
Bells Palsy: Idiopathic facial nerve palsy. Now strongly thought to have a viral etiology. It is a lower motor neuron palsy. This is manifested by both the upper and lower parts of the facial nerve being involved. Patient is unable to symmetrically show teeth nor can he/she frown on the side of palsy.
Optic neuritis: The typical finding in Multiple sclerosis. 
Trigeminal neuralgia:  Pain Pain Pain. Trigger points are the typical findings and they can be anywhere on the face where if one touches it, the pain is triggered off. The pain is in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia:  Severe discomfort or dysphagia that makes the posterior part of the tongue and the throat suddenly hurt and go into spasm when one swallows.
Gilles de-la tourette syndrome:  Coprolalia or talking shit is one of the hallmarks besides the tics. The patient may bark.
Myasthenia gravis:  Neuromuscular junction problem. Worsens with first few doses of steroids (therefore do this in the hospital) Associated with thymoma and antibodies to acetylcholine receptor.
Motor neuron disease
Charcot marie tooth disease
Duchennes muscular dystrophy