Distinguish the pathophysiology of hypercalcemia for various clinical states.

Please read through the Table and then the key features are excerpted after the table

Condition PTH Calcium PO4 Cr. Special feature
High oral intake Low + N N Positive history
Primary hyperparathyroidism High or N ++ Low N Kidney stones, psychic moans, Polyuria
Tertiary hyperparathyroidism ++ + High due to renal failure unless treated High Long term renal failure causes it
Sarcoidosis Low or N + mediated by 1,25 alfa hydroxylase excess + N Steroid suppressible
Tumor related PTH suppressed because PTH related peptide is high +++ Low N Steroid suppressibility seen in Multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis but not in other tumors.

High Ca & PO4 = Vitamin D toxicity

High ALP and normal Ca & PO4 = Paget's

High ALP and low Ca & PO4 = Rickets/Osteomalacia